fnctId=profl,fnctNo=9 교수 검색 검색하기 NAME DIVISION 인물소개 리스트 Professor Choi, Jongryul 상세보기 DIVISION Professor TEL BongKyong Building #413 Tel +82-53-580-5421 POSITION Professor, Chair of the Department of Sociology SPHERE Cultural Sociology, Social/Cultural Theory, Qualitative Methodology EMAIL jrchoi@kmu.ac.kr 인물소개 Professor Choi, Jongryul DIVISION Professor TEL BongKyong Building #413 Tel +82-53-580-5421 POSITION Professor, Chair of the Department of Sociology SPHERE Cultural Sociology, Social/Cultural Theory, Qualitative Methodology EMAIL jrchoi@kmu.ac.kr 세부내용 BOOKS 2022. Daughter, Do Not Live Like Me. PNA World. 2019. The Sociology of Performance: How Does Korean Society Reflect on Itself? Owol-ui Bom. 2018. The Sociology of Bokagwang: The Cries of Korean Local Youth. Owol-ui Bom. 2016 The Uses of Multiculturalism: A Cultural-sociological Perspective. Seoul, Korea: HankookMoonwhasa. 2015. Weber and Banana: A Narrative Sociology. Ma-eum-ui Geoul. 2013 Strangers of Globalization: Sexuality, Labor, Deterritorialization. Seongnam, Korea: Mindmirror. 2009. The Cultural Turn in Sociology: Classical Sociology, Revitalized from Science to Aesthetics. Seoul: Salim. 2007 Durkheimian Cultural Sociology: Theory and Methodology . Seoul, Korea: Ehaksa. 2004. Postmodern American Sociology: A Response to the Aesthetic Challenge. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. ARTICLES 2022. “Face-to-Face Interaction Order and Sexual Harassment: A Goffmanian Perspective.” Hyonsang-gwa-Insik 46(3): 93-116. 2022. “Alexander’s Thesis of Value Generalization Reconsidered: Focusing on the 2008 Candlelight Vigils in South Korea.” Cultural Sociology 16(4): 447-467. 2021.(Co-authors) “Cultural sociology in East Asia: Three Trajectories in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea.” American Journal of Cultural Sociology 10: 516–534. 2020. Sacred Game: A Goffmanian Ethnography of a Women-Only Public Place in South Korea, Sociological Research Online, 25, 718-733, 2019. South Korea’s Presidential Scandal and Civil repair. In The Civil Sphere in East Asia, ed. J.C. Alexander, D. Palmer, S. Park, and A. Ku, 18–37. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2017. Sociology of Bokagwang: A Narrative Analysis of Local University Students’ Stories. Korean Journal of Sociology 51 (1): 243–293. 2017. “How Is This A Nation?”: South Korea’s Presidential Scandal and Civil sphere. Korean Journal of Cultural Sociology 23: 101–151. 2016. Sociology of Japnom: Nakkomsu-bikini Event as a Social Performance. Social Theory 47: 99–155. close Professor Chan, Kwok Leung(Steve) 상세보기 DIVISION Professor TEL BongKyong Building #151-1, 053-580-5418 POSITION Assistant Professor SPHERE political sociology, public policy, environmental studies, migration and ethnic minority EMAIL stevec@kmu.ac.kr 인물소개 Professor Chan, Kwok Leung(Steve) DIVISION Professor TEL BongKyong Building #151-1, 053-580-5418 POSITION Assistant Professor SPHERE political sociology, public policy, environmental studies, migration and ethnic minority EMAIL stevec@kmu.ac.kr 세부내용 ARTICLES Chan, Steve K.L. (2024) Transboundary Water Governance: The Impacts of Upstream Dams on the Mekong River in Cambodia. GMSARN International Journal, Vol. 2024 Iss. 1. Chan, Steve K.L. (2023) Unequal Flows: Examining the factors surrounding Thai and Vietnamese Migrant Workers to South Korea. In Tan, Kevin S.Y. and Chan, K.L. Steve (Eds.) Demography and Diversity in Southeast Asia: Challenges and Issues amidst a “New Normal. Singapore: ISEAS Publications. (ISBN: 978-981-4881-29-6, 978-981-4951-50-0) Chan, Steve K.L. (2023) Migration, Brokerage and Recruitment: Examining the socio-cultural factors surrounding Thai phi-noy undocumented migrant workers in South Korea. PORTAL Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies. Chan, Steve K.L. (2023). Householding and Land Ownership: The type of Cambodian Circular Migrant Workers in Thailand. Journal of Population & Social Studies, Vol. 31, pp. 198–215. Doi: 10.25133/JPSSv312023.012 Chan, Steve K.L. (2023) The Disappearance of Bangkok’s Artbox: Examining the challenges of sustaining a mobile night market during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 50 No. 1, pp. 20-33. Doi: 10.1108/IJSE-04-2021-0218 Chan, Steve K.L. (2022) Transnational Brokers and the Desire for Labour Migration: Decision-Making Process of Myanmar Migrant Workers in Thailand. Journal of International Migration and Integration, Vol. 23, pp. 1987-2007. Doi: 10.1007/s12134-021-00915-0 Tan, Kevin S.Y. and Chan, Steve K.L. (2021) From Train Station to Night Market: Bangkok’s Talad Rod Fai as Urban Liminoid Space. Space and Culture. Doi: 10.1177/12063312211046801 Chan, Steve K.L. (2019) Transforming Thai-Myanmar Borderland: de facto Statelessness, Indigenous Minorities and Internally Displaced Persons. In Tan, N.T. (Ed.) Transforming Society: Strategies for social development from Singapore, Asia and around the world. Singapore: Routledge. (ISBN 9780367141950) Chan, Steve K.L. (2018) Enclave Tenement Trap: A Case Study of Ethnic Minorities Residing in Private Rented Housing Sector in Hong Kong. Environment and Urbanization ASIA, Vol. 9 Iss. 2, pp. 198–213. Doi: 10.1177/0975425318783589. Chan, Steve K.L. (2018) Hierarchical Microcredit Networks: Lending and Borrowing Cliques in Self-help Groups in Phnom Penh. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 38 Iss. 11/12, pp. 1008-1023. Doi: 10.1108/IJSSP-06-2017-0078 Chan, Steve K.L. (2018) Deprivation of Citizenship, Undocumented Labours and Human Trafficking: Myanmar Migrant Workers in Thailand. Regions & Cohesion, Vol. 8 Iss. 2, pp. 82–106. Doi: 10.3167/reco.2018.080205. Chan, K.L. Steve. (2017) Prostrating Walk in the Campaign against Sino-Hong Kong Express Railway: Collective Identity of Native Social Movement. Cosmopolitan Civil Societies, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp.20-41. Doi: 10.1515/9781400874569. Chan, K.L. Steve (2017) Dams on a Myanmar-Thai Transboundary River: Unequal Hydropower Exchange Model in Critical Hydropolitical Perspective. International Journal of Development Issues, Vol. 16 Iss. 2, pp. 147 – 160. Doi: 10.1108/IJDI-10-2016-0062. Chan, K.L. Steve (2015) Segregation Dimensions and Development Differentials of Ethnic Enclave: Thai Restaurants in the Kowloon City of Hong Kong. International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 42 Iss. 1, pp.82-96. Doi: 10.1108/IJSE-06-2013-0144 close Professor Kim, Jeong-Gyu 상세보기 DIVISION Professor TEL 053-580-5024 POSITION Professor SPHERE Deviance and Crime, Social Problems, Race and Ethnicity, American Society, International Regional Studies EMAIL jkim@kmu.ac.kr 인물소개 Professor Kim, Jeong-Gyu DIVISION Professor TEL 053-580-5024 POSITION Professor SPHERE Deviance and Crime, Social Problems, Race and Ethnicity, American Society, International Regional Studies EMAIL jkim@kmu.ac.kr 세부내용 BOOKS 2021. Master Cultural History of "World Region Issues: Conflict and Cooperation" (Co-author) 2018. "People Crossing the Border: Migration and Crime" Edu Content Hupia. 2017. "Globalization and Social Issues" EduContent Hupia. 2016. "American race and ethnicity: conflict and change" Edu Content Hupia. 2014. "Criminal Policy Response to Improve Human Rights in Immigration Control - Focusing on Illegal Foreigners-" Korea Criminal Policy Institute (Co-author) ARTICLES 2020. "Conflict between neighboring countries and Korean society - Focusing on comparison between the United States, Japan, China, and North Korea." (57): 73-123. 2019. "Foreign immigrants and crimes: Perception of potential criminals and acceptance of multiculturalism." "Korean criminology" 13(1): 69-92. 2017. "New Minority in Orange County: Space of Life and Re-territorialization." "American Studies" 40(1): 91-138. 2016. "Inclusion and exclusion of foreign migrants, North Korean defectors, and multiculturalism: Focusing on the verification of nationalism, civilization, and discourse in advanced countries." Social Theory 49: 167-213. 2015. "Foreign migrants and crimes: symbolic violence and discrimination." "Criminal Policy Study" 26:305-333 2015. "The unintended consequences of Korean nationalism and symbolic violence: prejudice and discrimination against foreign migrants." "Social Theory" 47: 221 to 264. 2014. "Foreign migrants' fear of crime damage and crackdown." Social Theory 45: 145-178. 2013. "symbolic violence against foreign immigrants: discriminatory perception of crime and punishment." "Korean criminology" 7(1): 153-194. 2013. "Competition and Threats: Acceptance of Migrants and Multiculturalism." "Social Theory" 43: 199-237. 2012. "The factors of Internet pornography contact and sexuality of adolescents." "Social Science Research" 24(2): 229~262. close Professor Lim, WoonTaek 상세보기 DIVISION Professor TEL BongKyong Building #438 Tel +82-53-580-5420 POSITION Professor SPHERE Political Sociology, Social Theory, International Political Economics, Labor Policies, Social Policies EMAIL wtlim@kmu.ac.kr 인물소개 Professor Lim, WoonTaek DIVISION Professor TEL BongKyong Building #438 Tel +82-53-580-5420 POSITION Professor SPHERE Political Sociology, Social Theory, International Political Economics, Labor Policies, Social Policies EMAIL wtlim@kmu.ac.kr 세부내용 BOOKS 2013 (Editor and Co-author). Modern Society and the Weberian Paradigm. Paju, Korea: Nanam. ARTICLES 2013. "Implications of Theoretical Discussion and International Experiences for the Prote-ct ion of Human Rights of Migrant Workers: From the Perspective of Cultural Diversity and Human Rights." Korean Journal of Labor Studies 19(2): 33-66. 2012. "European Union and Perspective of Social Theory." Society and Theory 21(1): 95-140. 2010. "The European Union Governance and Dynamics of Civil Society." The Journal of Contemporary European Studies 28(3): 23-53. close Professor Park, Haenam 상세보기 DIVISION Professor TEL 053-580-5404 POSITION Assistant Professor SPHERE Historical Sociology, Urban Sociology, Sociology of Religion, Sociology of Sport, Social Change EMAIL parkhn@kmu.ac.kr 인물소개 Professor Park, Haenam DIVISION Professor TEL 053-580-5404 POSITION Assistant Professor SPHERE Historical Sociology, Urban Sociology, Sociology of Religion, Sociology of Sport, Social Change EMAIL parkhn@kmu.ac.kr 세부내용 BOOKS 2023. 60 Years of South Korean Diplomacy for Trannational Cooperation and Communication. Dahae 2023. Searching for Methodology of Sociological Imagination. JinInJin. 2022. Sports, moving Seoulites to laughter and tears. Seoul Historical Institute. 2022. Making and Changing of Nationalism in Northeast Asia. Kyungin Publishing. 2021. Jangwi-dong: Panorama of Urban Residential Change. Seoul Museum of History. 2021. Between Extermination and Regeneration: a Sociology of Brother Homes Workhouse. SNU Press. 2021. Experience of Modernity and Cultural Space in Northeast Asia. Kyungin Publishing. 2021. The Age of US-China Conflict and COVID19 Pandemic. Kyungin Publishing. 2020. What mask says to us: COVID19 and a Sociology of Everyday Life. Dolbaegae. 2020. Alternative Cooperation and Solidarity in Northeast Asia. Kyungin Publishing. 2018. Sociology of Dream. Dasan Publishing. 2016. History of Life and Culture in Contemporary Korea: 1980s. Changbi. ARTICLES 2021. “Nationalism and the Representation of National Sport Heroes in 1990s South Korea.” Journal of Asian Sociology 50(3). pp. 513-544. 2020. “Football and Hegemony Competition during the Period of Colonial Korea.” The Journal of Korean Studies 74. pp. 183-213. 2020. “The Interaction between Civil Society and the State in the History of Inter-Korean Sport-Diplomacy, 1988-2018.” Journal of Democracy and Human Rights 20(3). pp. 191-233. 2023. “‘Big Brother’ at Brothers Home: Exclusion and Exploitation of Social Outcasts in South Korea.” The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus 21(6-1) pp. 1-15. 2022. “Sur le rôle des « élites du welfare » dans l’histoire des politiques familiales françaises au XXe siècle.” Revue d'études franco-coréennes 98. pp. 117-149. 2022. “(Northest Asian Mega-events and (Im)balanced Regional Development: Focused on Osaka's Expo '70 and Daejeon Expo '93.”Journal of regional studies 30(1). pp. 119-147. 2021. “On the Capital and Habitus of Provincial Youth in South Korea” Economy and Society 131. pp. 55-87. 2020. “Internationalization, Globalization and Everyday Nationalism in the 1990s Korea.” Journal of Koreanology 77. pp. 469-513. 2020. “Higher Education Policies and the Question of Part-time Lecturers in Japan.” Hyonsang-gwa-Insik 44(2). pp. 145-186. 2020. “On Northeast Asian Social Solidarity and Epistemic Community.” Economy and Society 125. pp. 85-122. 2019. “Local Memory and Transnational Cooperation: The Case of Lübeck and Lüneburg.” Culture and Politics 6(4) pp. 5-49. 2019. “Social Politics and the Social Exclusion of Vagabonds during the Period of the Developmental State, 1961-1988.” Journal of Democracy and Human Rights 19(4). pp. 233-272. 2019. “Moral Reform and Social Politics of Developmental State Korea, 1961-1988.” Economy and Society 123 pp. 344-380. 2019. “1988 Seoul Olympic Games and Urban Renewal: Making of Respectable Landscape and the Birth of Disrespectable Landscape.” Culture and Society 27(2). pp. 445-499. 2018. “A Study on the Social History of Dreams in Postwar Japan.” Culture and Society 26(3). pp. 319-354. 2016. “Seoul 1988 Olympic Games and the Social Politics of the Gaze.” Society and History 110. pp. 353-389. 2015. “Sport, the Field of Representation Competition Between the Empire and the Colonized: Focused on the Chosen shrine athletic meeting and Meiji shrine athletic meeting.” Hallym journal of Japanese studies 26. pp. 111-140. 2010. “Colonial Modernity and Christianity: Focused on the Formation of Korean Protestant Ethic in the Period of the Korean Empire.” Religion and Society 2(1) pp. 7-43. 2009. “The Meaning of Mission School Education in Colonial Korea.” Ochiai, Emiko (eds) Reconstruction of Intimate and Public Spheres in Asian Modernity. Kyoto University. 2014. Reading 20th Century East Asia through Memory and Representation. Hanasyoin. close Honorary professor Lee, Young-chan 상세보기 DIVISION Honorary professor TEL BongKyong Building #339 Tel +82-53-580-5423 POSITION Honorary professor SPHERE Confucian Sociology, Social Thoughts EMAIL lyc@kmu.ac.kr 인물소개 Honorary professor Lee, Young-chan DIVISION Honorary professor TEL BongKyong Building #339 Tel +82-53-580-5423 POSITION Honorary professor SPHERE Confucian Sociology, Social Thoughts EMAIL lyc@kmu.ac.kr 세부내용 BOOKS 2008. A Paradigm of Confucian Sociology and Social Theory. Seoul, Korea: Yemoon. 2001. Confucian Sociology. Seoul, Korea: Yemoon. ARTICLES 2016. 『Anthropology of Choe Han-ki』. Keimyung university press. 2013. "Ki-hak Anthropology of Choe Han-ki and Categories of Person Evaluation." East Asian Social Thoughts 27: 83-116. 2011. "Theory of Confucian Knowledge." East Asian Social Thoughts 23: 5-37. close Honorary professor Kim, Hye soon 상세보기 DIVISION Honorary professor TEL POSITION Honorary professor SPHERE Gender, Locality, Migration and Multicultural Society 인물소개 Honorary professor Kim, Hye soon DIVISION Honorary professor TEL POSITION Honorary professor SPHERE Gender, Locality, Migration and Multicultural Society 세부내용 ARTICLES 2008. "Migrant Brides and Making of a Multicultural Society: Sociological Approach to Recent Discourse on 'Multicultural Korea'." Korean Journal of Sociology 42(2): 36-71. 2004. "An Exploratory Study of Gender-Discrimination Experienced by Korean Women Professors in Coed Universities." Media, Gender and Culture 2: 5-40. 2004. "A Sociological Analysis of the 2002 Digital Formation of South Korea." Acta Koreana 7(2):1 21-146. close Honorary Professor Hong, Seung Pyo 상세보기 DIVISION Honorary Professor TEL BongKyong Building #315 Tel +82-53-580-5112 POSITION Honorary Professor SPHERE Eastern Social Thought, Postmordern Social Theory EMAIL sphong@kmu.ac.kr 인물소개 Honorary Professor Hong, Seung Pyo DIVISION Honorary Professor TEL BongKyong Building #315 Tel +82-53-580-5112 POSITION Honorary Professor SPHERE Eastern Social Thought, Postmordern Social Theory EMAIL sphong@kmu.ac.kr 세부내용 ARTICLES 2018. Lao-Tzu and Post-modern Civilization. Salimtu. 2016. I-Ching and Post-modern Civilization. Munsachul. 2012. "Tao and Mind Training in Lao-Tzu." East Asian Social Thoughts 26: 59-80. 2012. Postmodernity and Rediscovery of East Asian Social Thoughts. Daegu, Korea: Keimyung University Press. 2011. East Asian Social Thoughts and Postmodern Life. Daegu, Korea: Keimyung University Press. 2011. "East Asian Thoughts and Existential Revolution." The Journal of the NKPA(The Chulhak-Ronchong) 63: 145-162. close